Exam Logistics

The final is on Wednesday, August 9th from 4-7 PM PT.

​ If you need to take the exam remotely at that time, or if you need to take the alternate exam (7–9pm PT, in-person only), or if you have another exam at the same time, or if you need DSP accommodations, please fill out this form by Monday, August 7th, 11:59 PM PT. We will respond to all form submissions after the form closes.

​ The scope of the final is as follows: Lectures 1-24 and 26. Project 1-3, Discussions 1-14, and Homeworks 1-7.

​ The final exam will be closed-book, closed-notes, and closed-Internet. No calculators are allowed (no questions should require a calculator). However, you may use four cheat sheets (each two-sided) of your own design. The cheat sheets must be handwritten and printed on standard A4 letter paper (8.5 x 11 inches). Handwritten tablet notes may be printed and used. ​

In-Person Logistics

  • The exam will be in Dwinelle 155 unless you have any special accomodations. We will email you your exam location a day or two before the exam if the latter is the case.
  • Please try to arrive early, so that we can start on time. ​

Remote Logistics

Staff reserves the right to assign you a grade of 0 on the exam if you do not follow these policies.

  • Before the exam:
    • We will send you an email with a zoom link to record with before the exam.
    • Make sure to test your zoom recording. As long as it has a webcam feed, audio, and screen share, you should be good to go.
    • Make sure you have a stable internet connection for the cloud recording.
  • On the day of the exam:
    • Join the Zoom meeting on the computer you will be using and share your entire screen.
    • Set up a camera showing your workspace (e.g. join Zoom on your phone, or turn on a webcam feed on your computer). Here are some examples of ways to position your phone camera.
    • Make sure you share audio.
    • Make sure some form of time stamp is visible.
    • Multiple monitors are not permitted. If you must use another monitor, please “duplicate” the screens and show us evidence that this setting is enabled before you start the exam.
    • Show your Cal ID to the camera. If you do not have a Cal ID, show some proof of identification (CalCentral works).
    • Show a 360 degree view of the room you are taking the exam in.
    • At 4:10 PM (previously this incorrectly said 3:40 PM), you will be emailed a PDF of the exam, and an answer sheet assignment will appear on Gradescope. (Here’s a demo.)
    • If you need to print the exam, you must print it within the first 15 minutes of the exam and log it on this google form. You will not be compensated with extra time if you choose to print the exam.
    • You should only have the exam PDF, clarifications document, clarifications google form, and the Gradescope answer sheet on your screen during the exam.
    • If you have clarification questions, submit it to this google form. The top of your answer sheet has a link to the clarifications.
    • Please log on the same form if you use the bathroom.
    • When you’re done, you can just stop the recording and leave the call. The Gradescope answer sheet will close at 7PM PT.
    • After the exam, your recording will automatically be uploaded and shared with CS161 staff. Additionally, if you encounter any issue with your recording, please submit a link to your recording here. It’s okay if it takes a couple hours to upload your feed; just send us the recording as soon as you can. ​
  • Technical difficulties:
    • If your camera is not set up correctly, or staff cannot hear your audio, make sure you’re paying attention to the zoom chat in case a proctor asks you to fix your setup.
    • If you encounter any logistics problems during the exam, email cs161-staff@berkeley.edu.
    • If you encounter Internet problems, write your answers locally and send them to cs161-staff@berkeley.edu as soon as the exam is over.
    • If you need to use the bathroom, leave your phone in camera view, and leave the video and audio feed on while you’re away. Make sure to fill out this google form and log the times you were away from the exam.
    • If you have issues submitting your recording, please email cs161-staff@berkeley.edu as soon as possible.
  • Privacy:
    • Course staff will respect your privacy and not disclose any information from the proctoring session after the exam, except in suspected cases of academic dishonesty. ​

Academic Integrity

  • Any form of communication or collaboration is cheating. Providing answers, receiving answers, and even just talking with others about course material during the exam windows are all violations of the Berkeley honor code.
  • Every case of potential academic dishonesty will be manually reviewed, and you’ll be able to discuss the situation with an instructor.
  • We may ask some students to take a short verbal exam after the exam and explain how to solve one or more problems that are similar to an exam question they got right.
  • Please be mindful to not discuss the exam until solutions are released. Keep in mind that we still have alternates and DSP exams after the normal exam ends.